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Site Terms of Use
The website www.thetwobarbers.com is an online store selling men's grooming products (hereinafter referred to as the online store or website) created and operated by the company under the name THE TWO BARBERS E.E., based in Larissa, Eleftheriou Venizelou 87, 41222 and is legally represented, with A.F.M. 801168400 and D.O.Y. Larissa, email address info@thetwobarbers.com, telephone service line of the online store: 2416007114, (hereinafter for the sake of brevity the COMPANY), G.I.M.: 150669140000.
The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the online store with the brand thetwobarbers.com which is located at the online address www.thetwobarbers.com Every user who enters and transacts or uses the services of the online store (hereinafter referred to as abbreviated as "visitor" and/or "user" or "customer" depending on whether he is limited to visiting the store only or ordering and selling products and services) is deemed to consent and unconditionally accept the following conditions set forth here, without any exception. If any user does not agree with these terms, then he must refrain from visiting, using the website as well as from any transaction or use of the services of the online store.
In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with Decree Law 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process is now provided throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting in a non-professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase he made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform ODR) available at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage
General terms
The COMPANY reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any change, through the pages of this online store. Contracts through the online store are drawn up in the Greek language.
Information & Products Provided
The COMPANY is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information listed in the online store, regarding the identity of the COMPANY as well as the transactions provided through the online store. The company, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries that were made due to error/misdirection according to common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever it becomes aware of their existence.
Limitation of Liability
The COMPANY in the context of its transactions from the online store is not responsible and has no obligation to compensate for any possible damage or loss arising from the cancellation of orders, from the non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the online store, but informs the interested customer based on the data kept about the availability or non-availability and undertakes, in the event of a change in these data, to promptly inform the customers of the non-availability in such a case bears no further responsibility. The online store provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations), products and services available through the website "as is". Under no circumstances is the COMPANY liable civilly or criminally for any damage (positive, special or cumulative, which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that may suffered by a visitor of the online store or a third party from a cause related to the operation or non-operation and/or the use of the website and/or inability to provide services and/or products and/or information available from it and/or from any non permitted third-party interventions in products and/or services and/or information available through it.
Intellectual property rights
All the content of the online store, including distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions